Good Earth Plant Company works with replicas plants just like we work with real plants. They need to be arranged and designed, shaped and fitted. Our clients who decide to go with replicas are amazed at the results.
Yes! Artificial plants aren’t made out of cheap silks we saw back in the 1950s. Commercial grade artificial plants such as replica succulents, air plants, ferns, ivy, trees or variegated leaves look and even feel like they are real.
One type of extremely real looking replica plants is made from molded foam core. The design is an actual digital photo image of a real plant transferred to the surface. These are so good, a lot of them fool the pros. Another version uses live plants that are treated and preserved.
The best choices are so durable they can stand up to outdoor conditions.…
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Good Earth Plant Company always prefers to work with living plants. There are way too many benefits to your health and well being: cleaner air, stress relief, and proven increases in productivity and attitude.
The next best thing is using replica plants. They can’t clean the air, but studies show the realistic replicas still provide many of the same stress relief and behavioral benefits.
High quality replica plants can fill in for real plants and make a living wall look beautiful inside or out. Sometimes the environmental situation just won’t support living plants due to light levels and/or outside exposure.
Artificial plants and flowers are professionally manufactured from quality materials. They feature UV protection for sunny outside locations, and are Inherently Fire Retardant (IFR) for inside places,.
Don’t shy away from this choice! When well chosen, properly displayed AND frequently cleaned and maintained, replica plants are a far better choice than sick or dying plants in a living wall installed in a difficult location.
In some rare cases, a living wall will grow too well– but it can end up being too close to sensitive electronics or beautiful artwork and furnishings.…
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