Biophlic Design

Lighten Up: Good News In A Dark World

Increasing expsure to sunlight during the shorter days can improve your health. Photo: Pixabay daylight
Are you feeling a little disheartened? This week’s contentious presidential election is hard on everyone whether you voted red OR blue. Coming on top of an especially rough year, it’s not a surprise if your mental health isn’t what it used to be. But don’t go blaming 2020 for your problems just yet. It might not be the only reason you aren’t your usual cheerful self. The weekend before Election Day, we went through our annual change back from Daylight Time to Standard Time in the United States. The 60 minutes we adjusted our clocks suddenly makes us aware we are slowly losing daylight.… Read More

Good Earth Plant Company’s Summer Reading List – Naturally!

Summer is the perfect time to read a new nature book and get inspired. Photo: Erika Wittlieb / Pixabay
Science shows us getting out and enjoying the benefits of nature will make us healthier. Reading about nature isn’t a bad idea either. How about reading a book about nature at your favorite outdoor spot? Maybe it’s the beach; maybe it’s the park. Maybe it’s a hammock in your backyard. It doesn’t matter. And we just happen to have some of our favorite nature books for you here to enjoy this summer.  Choose any of them, and then choose your favorite spot. Your Guide to Forest Bathing Amos Clifford Amos Clifford is the founder of the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs.… Read More

This Is The Next Innovation In Building Design

Sometimes it’s difficult to get people to embrace change. One happy exception is the adoption of the LEED building standard. Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council in just the past 13 years, it’s now the standard for energy-saving, cost-efficient building the United States. It provides rating systems for everything from design to maintenance to materials and operation. It applies to everything from luxury homes to the new stadiums in San Francisco and Minneapolis. The design firm Gensler is at the forefront of both LEED and WELL Building Standard certification. Gensler’s Los Angeles office includes our new living wall bridge.Thanks to LEED, most people have a basic idea of the ways green building practices should be applied as the norm: energy efficiency, improve air, access to daylight and outside views.… Read More