indoor plants

Overcome June Gloom: Refresh With Green

May Gray in full effect, pictured at the Japanese Friendship Garden
It’s that time again. The time when sunny San Diego braces for its annual retreat from the sun. When dark clouds bank the coastal landscape, tans fade, and moods go sour. It’s the time of the year when June Gloom has arrived.   While it might feel dreary outside, it’s the perfect time to bring bright vibes inside. Yes, we’re talking about plants and flowers (do we talk about anything else?). At Good Earth Plants, we specialize in “plantscaping”, offering a range of services that not only enrich lives, but also elevate your mood and improve your overall wellbeing.  The Power of Plants Plants may as well be superheroes.… Read More

6 Ways to Revive a Dying Indoor Plant Before It’s Too Late

When it comes to home decor and trends, indoor plants are suddenly the belles of the ball.    We, needless to say (but we’ll say it anyway!) could not be happier about the massive uptick in #plantmoms and #plantdads, especially in our hometown of San Diego. For more than 40 years, it’s been our mission to encourage people to incorporate more nature (read: indoor plants) into the places they work, live, and play. Plants not only enhance indoor aesthetics, but also improve our mental health and offer therapeutic benefits. Plants sometimes have similar symptoms for very different reasons. It just takes time to learn and identify what type of care your indoor plant may need.… Read More

Breathe Life Into Your Workspace with Plants

Office plant designs
Wouldn’t it be nice to escape the sea of bland grayscale cubicles and walk through a splash of color and nature-inspired elements? A positive work environment can be as much about the surroundings as the people. Fostering teamwork, the sharing of ideas, personal space and comfort are among the considerations of an office designer. If the office or workspace is already designed, some easy updates, like the soothing touch of nature, or a few vibrant colors placed here & there, can contribute to a positive workplace ambiance. Whether you’re a property manager, an office manager, a facility manager or you just have an office you want to liven up, here are a few ideas to add color & nature to your office environment to get the workflow going.… Read More

Tips To Prep Your Plants For Winter Months

A sunny window feels good on a cold day for you and for your plants, too. Photo: Mary Kreuel / Creative Commons winter months
Even though we’re blessed to live and work in a temperate, plant-loving climate at Good Earth Plant Company, we still experience the change of seasons. Winter may be subtle, but it’s coming at us quickly. Meteorological winter starts December 1, and the winter equinox is less than three weeks away. Our daytime temperatures have dropped 20 degrees recently, and in some places, the nighttime lows are legitimately cold. At least they are to us! Your container plants living outside feel it too. Many need protection from the coldest winter weather. Even in a Mediterranean-style climate, it can drop below freezing at night.… Read More

Houseplants Show Off at San Diego Botanic Garden

In my natural habitat: surrounded by plants at the San Diego Botanic Garden. Photo: Jim Mumford
The San Diego area is fortunate to have many public gardens to enjoy including the San Diego Botanic Garden (formerly the Quail Botanical Garden) in Encinitas. When I learned SDBG planned to stage its first-ever special showcase featuring houseplants called “World of Houseplants” I couldn’t wait to see it! Life got in the way though, but I finally made it along with my mom, Sandy Fowler. The show is only open through Labor Day Monday. If you haven’t had the chance to see it, make time to go. As we’ve written over the past few years, houseplants have exploded in popularity.… Read More

Fertilizer 101 For Indoor Plant Parents

Help keep your indoor plants healthy by making sure they are well fed with the right type of plant fertilizer. Photo: Claudia Felbermayer / Pixabay
Good Earth Plant Company loves sharing our best tips on indoor plant selection and care with our plant-loving friends. Our advice on growing orchids was one of our most popular blog posts this year. The people have spoken. We’re all about giving the people what they want! The next step in developing your personal horticulture skills is learning how to feed and fertilize (the same thing) indoor plants. Yes, plants get hungry and need food. But plants can’t speak up and whine or beg when they’re hungry – which is a good thing if you have a chowhound or kitty making noise to get their treats. … Read More

Plants Add Finishing Touch To Luxury Living In La Jolla

Good Earth Plant Company works most often on larger commercial projects in office buildings, hotels, restaurants, technology and biotech properties, shopping centers, and retail businesses. When we get the opportunity to work on a residential project, it’s a treat and a special responsibility. We recently completed our second project for luxury homebuilder Blue Heron Homes. Even their name tells you something about this Las Vegas-based builder. It chose Blue Heron because it “represents something beautiful and unexpected, yet organic and naturally occurring.” Blue Heron designs home in harmony with the environment. Blue Heron called on us for plantscaping design services adding plants to a brand-new oceanfront home in La Jolla.… Read More

Need Some Energy? Count On Indoor Plants Instead of Caffeine

We love the indoor plants added to the collaborative work spaces at the American Assets Trust office in Del Mar Heights. Photo: Good Earth Plant Company
We have all been through two difficult years. The coronavirus pandemic changed our way of life, and it’s not quite over yet. You may have struggled with health challenges, job challenges, family challenges, and we lost out on a lot of fun. Some of the changes have been for the better. But learning new routines can be stressful, and it takes a lot of energy. Human nature takes over, and we do what we’ve gotta do: binging on streaming shows, baking bread, and starting happy hour at 2 pm. Now we’ve integrated our old routines with our new routines. You might be going back to the office full time or just some of the time.… Read More

Indoor Plant Container Basics For Everyone

Mixing and matching different plant and containers into a display adds up to an impressive feature in a home or workspace. Photo: Jim Mumford
So much of our inspiration at Good Earth Plant Company comes from the containers our plants live in. Don’t get me wrong. Our mission remains focused on enriching peoples’ lives with plants. But over the years, some of my biggest brainstorms came when I stretched my thinking about containers. When I realized a green roof is just one big container for plants, it started a whole new business. Plants and containers are inseparable partners to us at Good Earth Plant Company. We work with our clients to choose their containers with care – and flair! Along with the indoor plant craze that started during the pandemic, people have been getting creative with containers, too.… Read More

Indoor Plant Index Is Rising Fast

It's not your imagination. Indoor plants are in short supply and they are worth more. Illustration: Mohamed Hassan Indoor Plant Index
Have you noticed how hard it is to find certain products or services lately? It’s not your imagination. Because of the way many of our spending and purchasing habits have changed combined with unusual limitations due to supplies and employment, there’s a lot more demand. At the top of the list, the home improvement industry has gone wild. While we were all stuck at home, we looked around and realized we needed to refresh our surroundings. This means we all called contractors, plumbers, painters, and electricians, and plantscapers. The good ones are busy, so get in line soon. It’s a shock to see the jump in building material prices, especially lumber and plywood.… Read More