Good Earth Plant Comany

Indoor Plants Never Go Out of Style

Good Earth Plant Company has so many innovative ways to add plants to your interior design today, including spectacular moss walls.
When I opened my newspaper last Saturday, the headline practically yelled at me from the page: “Indoor greenery: house plants are back.” House plants are back? Back from where? Who is saying house plants ever went anywhere in the first place? I had to laugh. Yes, out loud. After 40 years in business providing plants for every kind of indoor space you can imagine, there hasn’t ever been a time when the interest by people to include plants in their offices and homes has gone away, or ever dropped. There are trends in display methods, and certain plants get “their moment” with a little rush of popularity.… Read More

Honor Mom the Good Earth Plants Way on Mother’s Day

Three generations of Mumfords together at La Jolla Shores celebrating Mother's Day in better times, May 2016: (L to R) daughter Allie, Mom, and yours truly.
For those of you who aren’t aware, let me save you from being in the doghouse with Mom the rest of the year. Sunday, May 8 is Mother’s Day. You’re welcome. It’s really hard to miss it if you’re exposed to any kind of advertising. We have been bombarded for two months with advertising reminding us to buy those flowers, chocolates, and greeting cards to honor Mom. I’ve written before about the crazy time for florists at Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day is even crazier when it comes to flowers. The Society of American Florist reports Mother’s Day is the second largest flower holiday, accounting for 24 percent of all flowers sent annually – yes, one in four floral purchases all year long is for Mother’s Day.… Read More