Moss Walls

Overcome June Gloom: Refresh With Green

May Gray in full effect, pictured at the Japanese Friendship Garden
It’s that time again. The time when sunny San Diego braces for its annual retreat from the sun. When dark clouds bank the coastal landscape, tans fade, and moods go sour. It’s the time of the year when June Gloom has arrived.   While it might feel dreary outside, it’s the perfect time to bring bright vibes inside. Yes, we’re talking about plants and flowers (do we talk about anything else?). At Good Earth Plants, we specialize in “plantscaping”, offering a range of services that not only enrich lives, but also elevate your mood and improve your overall wellbeing.  The Power of Plants Plants may as well be superheroes.… Read More

Sustainability Must Be More Than a Buzzword

A closer look at the variety of textures and colors used in this moss wall design. Photo: Good Earth Plant Company questions about moss walls
After several years of designing and building living walls for our clients, we realized at Good Earth Plant Company we needed another option. While it’s always our preference to bring Nature into workplaces, homes, and other indoor spaces with living plants, it’s not always possible due to lighting, location, or other challenges. Then in 2015, Good Earth Plant Company installed our first moss wall. Moss walls provide most of the benefits of traditional living walls plus a few distinct advantages: Moss walls can thrive in any indoor setting. Moss walls don’t need any light or water, and minimum maintenance. Moss walls are incredibly lightweight for their size compared to the same size living walls.… Read More

Listen Up: Our Latest Blog Is a Podcast about Plants

Jim Mumford recently appeared on the "It's Your Life" radio show - and now you can hear the podcast version on demand. podcast about plants
Time for something a little different on the Good Earth Plant Company blog this week. You can listen instead of read! I recently spent an hour on the “It’s Your Life” radio show in San Diego, which is also a podcast on all platforms. The theme of the show: “Bringing the Living World of Plants Into Our  Everyday Life.” I couldn’t have done better myself! Host Jim Cooley and co-host Michelle Cooley (yes, they’re husband and wife)  put their curiosity and interviewing skills to good use. They both asked all about plants, plantscaping, living walls, moss walls, green roofs, biophilia and biophilic design – and more.… Read More

Your Top Moss Wall Questions – Answered!

When we first started fabricating moss walls for our clients, we never imagined they would become so popular. Photo: Good Earth Plant Company
We love enriching peoples’ lives with plants at Good Earth Plant Company. But sometimes, what really fires up our biophilic creativity with nature is working with moss, especially moss walls. When we first started fabricating moss walls for our clients, we never imagined they would become so popular. Biotech and high-tech companies really love moss walls. So do creative people – we’ve worked on moss walls for famous names you’d know in fashion and music. Maybe these smart minds have a specific affinity for the intricate patterns and endless options in shape, color, and size moss walls offer. When we post photos of our latest moss wall projects, we get a LOT of questions.… Read More

Indoor Plant Trends We Love in 2021

It's good to get out, renew our relationships, and learn a few new tricks for our clients! Photo: Jim Mumford Indoor plant trends
While we were fortunate to flourish despite the pandemic at Good Earth Plant Company, it made me more aware of the importance of human socialization. We are pack animals and we do best when we interact, share ideas, and work together. This lesson became even more vivid to me this week when I attended my first workplace greenery and horticulture conference since the shutdown early last year. It’s one of my favorite shows – Cultivate 21 held annually in Columbus, Ohio by American Hort, our national organization supporting and promoting the horticulture industry. Attendance was nearly as strong as 2019! There are more than 650 exhibitors and 10,000 industry professionals like me from 30 different countries taking in the eight-acre trade show, four days of educational opportunities, and talking with my colleagues about the latest trends and solutions for our clients.… Read More

Good Earth Plants Comes Alive at Art Alive 2021

It finally seems like the end of a long, long 16 months. While we still need to respect the pandemic and take sensible precautions – it’s time to celebrate! We made it! It’s perfect timing for the return of one of my favorite San Diego events and the very first public event for us since early 2020. Art Alive 2021 starts today. If you aren’t familiar with it, local and national floral designers create their own floral interpretations of artworks from the San Diego Museum of Art. There will be more than 100 floral displays of art masterpieces, and a whole weekend of flower-filled activities and events as a Museum fundraiser.… Read More

Tips for New Plant Parents

Plenty of people have brought new plants home to keep them company during the pandemic shutdown. Photo: Valeria Ushakova / Pexels
First it was toilet paper and alcohol wipes. Then it was hair color, followed by flour and yeast. During the coronavirus pandemic, people cleared the shelves of basic items they were desperate to find. Next, it was things they needed to entertain themselves, Who knew there would be a rush on baking bread at home? In the third wave, people looked around at their homes which were now also their offices and their kids’ schools and realized something important was missing. House plants! They are flying off the shelves and out of the garden centers. The National Gardening Association is fielding half a million questions a week from gardeners.… Read More

Show and Tell Time: Good Earth Plant Company’s New Living Moss Wall System

Jim Mumford with the new Living Moss Wall system at Good Earth Plant Company.
No one gets more excited about new products than we do at Good Earth Plant Company. We love the chance for a little show and tell, and we have something to show you this week. It’s a brand new living moss wall system. Take a look! The reason for the amber color is because the moss has been dormant and is just now actively growing. We expect to see it turn several beautiful shades of green. One of our hottest items for the last few years has been our moss walls. There’s no sign of their popularity slowing down any time soon.… Read More

The Blog Posts You Read Most in 2018

We enjoy putting time and thought into our weekly blog posts all year. We’re always curious what blog posts were most popular, so we can deliver more of whatever you enjoy reading most. Sometimes, you like practical advice. Other times, you want a little bit of fun.  We won’t comment on the reason why “World Naked Gardening Day” does so well EVERY year. I’m happy you continue to have interest in interior design trends affecting health and wellness, both at home and in the workplace. There are so many innovative ways now to incorporate nature and plants into your working environment including moss walls, replant plant walls, movable living wall dividers, and unique containers that are more like art pieces than simple pots.… Read More

New Living Moss Walls Change the Living Wall Landscape

One of the new living moss walls which will soon be available to our clients at Good Earth Plant Company.
During my 40 plus years bringing nature into workplaces, homes, and many other places, there have only been a handful of game changer type products or concepts. Even though I came around more recently to building green roofs (2007) and living walls, (2009), their origins go back thousands of years. The modern versions of  green roofs were developed in Germany in the 1960s, and living walls in France in the late 1970s. Since then, they have spread to most countries. This changed a few years ago when “moss walls” came along. Four years ago, we installed our first moss wall using preserved lichen (the same material used in model train sets) and they have caught fire with our clients and the rest of the world.… Read More